Top 10 Manual Testing Interview Questions With Answers

3 mins read


Manual testing remains a cornerstone in the software development lifecycle, and as such, mastering the intricacies of manual testing is crucial for testing professionals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top 10 manual testing interview questions, providing detailed answers and insights to help you shine in your next manual testing interview.

List of top 10 manual testing interview questions with answers:

Let’s start top 10 QA interview questions related to manual testing, one by one.

1. What is Manual Testing, and When Would You Prefer It Over Automated Testing?

Answer: Manual testing involves the human element, where testers manually execute test cases without the aid of automation tools. It is preferred in scenarios where the application’s user interface, usability, or exploratory testing requires a hands-on approach. Manual testing is also suitable for projects with frequently changing requirements.

2. Explain the Difference Between Verification and Validation in the Testing Process.

Answer: Verification ensures that the software meets the specified requirements, confirming that each phase of the development process is on track. Validation, on the other hand, confirms that the software meets the intended business objectives and functions as expected. Verification is process-oriented, while validation is product-oriented.

3. What is the Importance of Test Planning in Manual Testing?

Answer: Test planning is a crucial phase in manual testing that involves defining the scope, objectives, resources, and schedule for testing. It helps in identifying the testing activities to be performed, allocating resources effectively, and setting expectations for the testing team. A well-structured test plan serves as a roadmap for successful testing execution.

4. What is the Purpose of Regression Testing, and When Should It Be Conducted?

Answer: Regression testing verifies that new code changes do not adversely affect the existing functionality of the application. It should be conducted whenever there is a modification in the codebase, be it bug fixes, enhancements, or new features. Regression testing helps ensure the stability of the software throughout its development lifecycle.

5. Explain the Concept of the Traceability Matrix in Manual Testing.

Answer: A Traceability Matrix is a document that establishes a traceable link between test requirements and test cases. It ensures that every requirement has associated test cases, making it easier to track the test coverage. Traceability Matrix is valuable in validating that all requirements are tested and in maintaining transparency throughout the testing process.

6. What is the Difference Between Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing?

Answer: Smoke testing is a preliminary test executed on a stable build to ensure that critical functionalities work as expected before proceeding with further testing. Sanity testing, on the other hand, is a focused and selective testing to check specific functionalities after changes, ensuring that the recent modifications haven’t adversely affected the existing features.

7. How Would You Prioritize Test Cases for Execution?

Answer: Test case prioritization involves assessing the criticality of each test case based on factors such as business impact, risk, and functional dependencies. Priority is assigned to test cases that cover critical functionalities or those likely to encounter defects. This ensures that high-priority test cases are executed first, reducing the risk of critical issues going undetected.

8. Explain the Role of Test Closure Activities in Manual Testing.

Answer: Test Closure activities occur at the end of the testing process and involve evaluating whether the testing objectives have been met. It includes preparing test summary reports, archiving testware, assessing test completion criteria, and conducting a review to gather insights for process improvement. Test Closure ensures that the testing phase is formally concluded.

9. What Are Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning, and How Are They Useful in Manual Testing?

Answer: Boundary Value Analysis involves testing values at the boundaries of acceptable input ranges, including the minimum and maximum limits. Equivalence Partitioning divides the input domain into classes to reduce the number of test cases. Both techniques are efficient in uncovering defects related to input values, improving test coverage while minimizing redundancy.

10. How Do You Approach Exploratory Testing, and When Would You Employ It?

Answer: Exploratory Testing is an approach where testers simultaneously design and execute test cases based on their domain knowledge, experience, and intuition. It is useful in uncovering unexpected defects, validating user scenarios, and enhancing test coverage in a dynamic environment. Exploratory Testing is often employed when there is limited documentation or time constraints.


Mastering manual QA interview questions requires a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. By delving into the top 10 questions and their detailed answers provided in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to showcase your expertise in manual testing during interviews. Remember to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios to solidify your manual testing skills. Best of luck on your journey to acing your next manual testing interview!


What is software testing?

Software testing is an essential procedure in the creation of software applications. Its goal is to find bugs, errors, or other flaws in the program and confirm that it satisfies requirements and operates as intended. Software testing’s main objective is to confirm and validate that a system or application operates as intended under a variety of scenarios.

An essential component of software testing is:
– Verification and Validation
– Defect Identification
– Assuring Trustworthiness
– Enhancing Risk Mitigation Quality

What is Static testing?

One kind of software testing that is done without running the code is called static testing. In order to find mistakes, flaws, or problems early in the development process, it entails examining and evaluating the software artifacts, such as requirements, design documents, source code, and other documentation.

What does testbed mean?

In software testing, the environment or infrastructure that is put up for carrying out testing operations is referred to as a testbed. It consists of the hardware, software, network configurations, and additional elements required to run test cases and assess how a software system behaves. The purpose of the testbed is to replicate the actual operating environment of the software.

Important elements of a testbed could be:
– Tools for Monitoring and Logging Hardware and Software
– Network Configuration
– Test Data
– Test Scripts

What is quality control?

The process of finding and fixing flaws or deviations from standards before a product or service is delivered to a client is known as quality control.

How does integration testing work?

In the software testing process, integration testing involves combining and evaluating separate system modules or components to make sure they function as a unit. Finding interface and interaction problems between connected components is the aim.

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Mayank is expert in Quality Assurance and automation. He is responsible for creation and implementation of quality coordination strategy, as well as proposing solutions to classified quality related issues.

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